Pre-First Session
+ You complete a comprehensive health questionnaire. It should take up to half an hour to complete, but includes a food diary, so allow three days.
First Session
+ Using your questionnaire, I conduct a thorough review of your diet and lifestyle, spotting anything which my be exacerbating your illness or general wellbeing
+ We co-create the plan and establish simple yet effective strategies to optimise, for example, stress management, sleep, diet and exercise
+ We can also set goals for yourself, family, work to help bring joy and lower stress
Following Sessions
+ We review your previous session’s goals. Tweak as needed or set new ones.
+ Depending on which package you purchased we may do some more goal setting exercises
10-week package
For New Clients
90-min initial consultation (this health assessment normally £149)
+ In-depth exploration of your current health and wellbeing
+ Clear vision of what you want to achieve
+ Accountability and support to build sustainable habits
+ Personalised action plan for your goals via email after each session
+ One email connection each day, as needed
4x 30-min fortnightly follow-up sessions
+ Bespoke resources provided where needed
1x 45-min final session
+ Review and new goal setting
1 month package
For Existing Clients
1x 45-min catch-up consultation
+ Update of your current health and wellbeing
+ Clear vision of what you want to achieve
+ Personalised action plan for your goals via email after each session
+ One email connection each day, as needed
2x 30-min weekly follow-up sessions
Pay-as-you go follow-up
For Existing Clients
1x 45-min catch-up consultation