franklin method

One of the greatest discoveries of the 21st century is brain plasticity and the Franklin Method® is at the forefront of functional neuroplasticity i.e. showing you how to use your brain to improve your body’s movements. Franklin Method® helps people of all ages, abilities and genders develop mind-body techniques to not only improve movement but also change the way they feel in their body, forever. 

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Create permanent change by noticing what you are producing in your head and body

This is a movement and rehab philosophy like no other. I often see clients who have received a variety of treatments e.g. osteopathy, chiropractor, physiotherapy and have had no long-term success.  With me you will learn to improve the way you move your body forever, but you must be prepared to take charge of your recovery and have an open mind.  If you are not truly ready to eradicate yourself of your pain, you won’t be successful. 

The Franklin Method® has changed the way I move and I love sharing the technique with my clients. It is like a light switches on and everything makes sense: they find a way to move better within their own bodies. This is a movement system that works for everyone, be they a seventy year-young man struggling with daily movements and balance, or a young dancer with pain in their hip wanting to improve their plié.

“A car accident twenty years ago left me with a degenerating disc problem. I tried all kinds of physio and exercise regimes to keep on top of the pain – but it was only through meeting Paulette and experiencing Franklin Method® that I finally felt I was getting somewhere! I now have a much greater understanding of how my spine and pelvis function. Incorporating this knowledge into my day to day movements has made an incredible difference. I feel stronger and more flexible, and confident that I’m no longer likely to do the ‘wrong’ movement and end up in pain.”
— Lucy
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usE mind:body concepts to unleash the power of your pelvis and in turn improve your overall wellbeing

The pelvis is the bridge between our torso and our legs.  If it is not correctly aligned our pelvic floor muscles and ligaments cannot function optimally.  This can lead to a cycle of pain and malfunction.  It can also stop us walking, squatting and even sitting efficiently.  Over four sessions I will bring to life the complex yet intelligent design of the pelvic bones and muscles….. enabling you to improve not only the agility and stability of your pelvis, but also your back, hips and knees. This knowledge is then embodied through gentle movements and you take the days between to practice and assimilate into your daily movements. NB: This is not an exercise class or pelvic floor workshop. Nor will there be any hands-on therapy or massage. 

You will learn:

  • A mental toolbox:  showing you how mind and mindset can influence movement…both positively and negatively….. bringing effective and permanent change to your daily movements.

  • Anatomy and biomechanics: if you have an incorrect image of how muscles function and where your bones/joints are and how they move the body, you will move incorrectly; creating pain, wear and tear.

  • Proprioception: by using touch you can update the Central Nervous System improving communication between brain and muscles: the more information the brain receives the better navigation it can do. In sessions we will use a combination of hands and Franklin Method® soft massage balls to activate your muscles’ relaxation reflexes and increase body awareness, proprioception and balance. 

  • How to squat: hip flexion should be coupled with lengthening of the pelvic floor muscles.  This is SO important as we flex our hips every time we sit on a chair or go to the loo! You will also improve sporting activities.

  • Diaphragm: is part of your core and therefore a teammate of your pelvic floor.  If it is tight you cannot breathe properly and might also create pelvic floor dysfunction; I shall show you movements to release it.

  • Psoas muscle: an important hip flexor as well as spine stabiliser, it is essential the psoas functions well so you can walk with ease.  Through learning how to relax the psoas you will improve walking and other movements.

  • Back pain: it is now widely accepted that incorrect breathing cycles can cause back pain. A tight or underactive psoas can also attribute to back pain. Add to that a misaligned pelvis and you can feel very unhappy with the constant pain…learn how to liberate yourself from this pain.

  • Force absorption prevents pain: if bones are in the wrong position or biomechanics incorrect, muscles and ligaments cannot do their job i.e. move you efficiently and absorb force.



  • Release tension in your pelvis, sacroiliac joints and lower back

  • Increase flexibility in your hips

  • Sit pain-free and walk with confidence

  • Feel centred and relaxed in your whole body

  • Improve movement, balance and coordination

  • Prevent injuries and potentially the need for hip surgery

  • Achieve movement goals and return to the exercises you love

  • Rejuvenate your psoas without painful massage

  • Enhance overall wellbeing



This is not a movement class: for it to be effective you are required to go through the four-session Franklin Method® Pelvic Power and Psoas programme, within eight weeks, and commit to doing daily homework. The £450 fee includes: the initial 1.5-hour consultation, 45 minutes bespoke research and planning, 3 x 1¼ hr sessions and analysis of any weekly videos you send me. For whatever reason you choose not continue after the first session, I will refund you £300.  Additional 55-minute sessions are £80 and 75-minutes sessions are £95.

I also run courses and workshops for groups. Please do get in touch for further information.

Please complete the ONLINE ENROLMENT FORM at least 48 hours before your session. It can be done on smart phones, tablets or laptops, and whizzes electronically to me. There is space for “Additional Comments” so please take this opportunity to let me know anything you feel relevant.

Paulette is a fantastic teacher – very knowledgeable about what she is teaching, incredibly passionate and eager to share, patient, hands on, down to earth plus she has a great sense of humour! I really enjoyed attending her Franklin Method classes - very interactive, practical and lots of fun! She always diligently followed up with relevant information and material after each class, which was very helpful. I’m now much more aware of how my body moves, and how I move my body, and have a much clearer understanding of the biomechanics of the pelvis, muscles, fascia and joints. I highly recommend Paulette and wouldn’t hesitate to do future workshops with her!
— Helen Griffiths KFRP, Kinesiologist,